Association Information
1. Speed limit is 20 MPH unless otherwise posted. Go slower if raising excessive dust by livestock.
2. Careless driving is not accepted.
3.Annual Assessments
Annual Assessments for Roads and Ranch Maintenance ($145) are due each July 1st after 60 days (Sept 1st) a 40$ late fee will be assessed
Send Dues to our PO Box 427, Randle, WA 98377
4. The RV dump is FREE to paid members.
5. It is illegal to shoot a gun or hunting weapon on the ranch for a non-protective purpose. Shooting to protect life, property, or pets may be permitted. The Board’s decision will be final in such cases. Illegal shooting will cost the offending owner $100 per incident.
6. Any hunting, or the killing, of a deer or elk in a non-accidental incident, will result in a $2500 assessment. No hunting is allowed anywhere on the Ranch. Carrying a hunting weapon during hunting season is considered hunting.
Any wounded animal that enters the Ranch is now state property. The hunter may not come onto the Ranch to retrieve it. See also state regulations and game warden (360-880-3146).
7. River Run Ranch is a fireworks-free zone. No fireworks of any kind or at any time.
8. No one is to push or ride the front gate.
9. There is to be no building of any structure other than an 12×14 storage shed without Lewis County or the Board’s approval.
10. No one is to enter another owner’s property without permission.
11. All owners will be expected to remove all Scotch Broom from their property.
12. All owners will be expected to remove all flood damaged property, vehicles and metal from their property or file an acceptable plan with the Board.
13. The Ranch is for recreational use only. No commercial activity is allowed.
14. Annual owners meeting – Second Saturday of June. Time and place to be announced.
15. Alerts, news bits, occasional newsletter, and meeting notifications sent out via email.
Contact us with suggestions, comments or concerns. Update your mailing and email address at
Lewis County Flood zone and Floodway regulations and information for improvements to your land
Damaged or trashed RV disposal
People will remove RVs, etc. for free
at 1-360-270-7996 and 1-360-497-2017
The River Run Ranch Board of Directors
Upcoming Board Meetings
Board Meeting August 27th 2022 11am Randle Fire Station